
Counter-Strike is a series of multiplayer first-person shooter video games in which teams of terrorists battle to perpetrate an act of terror while counter-terrorists try to prevent it. The series began on Windows in 1999 with the release of the first game.


The existing Counter-Strike Global Assault has a busy interface. The learning curve for new players is high (ie. console usage, ping indicators, item management, hotkeys). While the game franchise is regarded as the flagship game for multiplayer competitive shooters, they have done very little to modernize the classic game. Players still regard the gameplay to be unmatched, unwavering in their allegiance to the franchise.

Perhaps, part of the reason there’s so little progress is due to its continued success from its core audience - feeling little need to have to change things. For those who are not acclimated to the stale interface, it could be maddening - especially compared to the new and more exciting multiplayer shooter games coming into market today.



